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Báo cáo khoa học: "Analysts Grammar or Japanese to the Nu-ProJect"

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

A n a l y s t s grammar o f Japanese tn the Mu-proJect ts p r e s e n t e d , It is emphasized t h a t r u l e s expressing constraints on stngle linguistic structures and r u l e s for selecting the most p r e f e r a b l e readtngs are c o m p l e t e l y d i f f e r e n t In n a t u r e , and t h a t. | Analysis Grammar of Japanese in the Mu-Project - A Procedural Approach to Analysis Grammar - Jun-ichi TSUJII. Jun-lchl NAKAMURA and Makoto NAGAO Department of Electrical Engineering Kyoto University Kyoto JAPAN Abstract Analysts grammar of Japanese In the Mu-project 1s presented. It Is emphasized that rules expressing constraints on single linguistic structures and rules for selecting the most preferable readings are completely different 1n nature and that rules for selecting preferale readings should be utilized In analysis grammars of practical MT systems. It Is also claimed that procedural control Is essential 1n Integrating such rules Into a unified grammar. Some sample rules are given to make the points of discussion clear and concrete. 1. Introduction The Mu-Project 1s a Japanese national project supported by grants from the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science Technology of STA Sc1ence and Technology Agency which alms to develop Japanese-English and English-Japanese machine translation systems. We currently restrict the domain of translation to abstracts of scientific and technological papers. The systems are based on the transfer approach l and consist of three phases analysis transfer and generation. In this paper we focus on the analysis grammar of Japanese 1n the Japanese-English system. The grammar has been developed by using GRADE which 1s a programming language specially designed for this project 2 The grammar now consists of about 900 GRADE rules. The experiments so far show that the grammar works very well and 1s comprehensive enough to treat various linguistic phenomena In abstracts. In this paper we will discuss some of the basic design principles of the grammar together with Its detailed construction. Some examples of grammar rules and analysis results will be shown to make the points of our discussion clear and concrete. 2. Procedural Grammar There has been a prominent tendency In recent computational linguistics to re-evaluate CFG .