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Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and Methodology - Chapter 14

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Các ứng dụng của mô hình địa hình kỹ thuật số DTMs đã tìm thấy ứng dụng rộng rãi kể từ khi nguồn gốc của họ vào cuối những năm 1950, trong các ngành khác nhau như lập bản đồ, viễn thám, xây dựng dân dụng, kỹ thuật khai thác mỏ, địa chất, địa mạo, kỹ thuật quân sự, quy hoạch đất đai, và truyền thông (Catlow 1986; Petrie và Kennie 1990; Li và Zhu 2000; Maune et al 2001). Trong chương này, mô tả ngắn gọn về các ứng dụng khác nhau sẽ được cung cấp. . | CHAPTER 14 Applications of Digital Terrain Models DTMs have found wide applications since their origin in the late 1950s in various disciplines such as mapping remote sensing civil engineering mining engineering geology geomorphology military engineering land planning and communications Catlow 1986 Petrie and Kennie 1990 Li and Zhu 2000 Maune et al. 2001 . In this chapter brief descriptions of various applications will be given. 14.1 APPLICATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING The first application of DTM is in civil engineering more precisely highway engineering. In 1957 Roberts 1957 proposed the use of DTMs for highway design. One year later Miller and Laflamme 1958 used the data to set up a cross-section profile model and coined the concept of DTMs for the first time. Thereafter Roberts and his colleagues at MIT developed the first terrain modeling system. This system could not only interpolate in the sections profiles but also calculate the cut-and-fill between sections and provide useful data for engineering design. By 1966 they had been able to provide programs for road design using DTMs most of which were based on the cut-and-fill calculation. Many techniques originally developed for road design have been applied to construction engineering such as the design of reservoirs and dams. DTMs have also been widely applied to other related engineering such as mining. In this section applications in road engineering and water conservancy will be described briefly. 14.1.1 Highway and Railway Design The development of a transportation network is complicated aiming to provide a network to satisfy the needs of society. The design process can be split into steps such as site investigation route planning and design earthwork calculation pavement 285 2005 by CRC Press 286 DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELING PRINCIPLES AND METHODOLOGY Figure 14.1 Cases involved in the design of roads and railways a excavation in the form of cuts cross section b embankments in the form of fills cross section c