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Integrating Youth-Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Public Health Facilities: A Success Story and Lessons Learned in Tanzania
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Reproductive rights advocates have been put in a particularly challenging position because public debate about ART has been dominated by abortion politics. The Religious Right has succeeded in centralizing the discussion on the moral status of the embryo, obscuring a broader set of issues. Put in a defensive position, the reproductive rights movement has, until recently, not had the opportunity to grapple internally with the complexities of ART use, and has tended to fall back on traditional models of individual autonomy and choice. With increasing numbers of U.S. organizations shifting to a reproductive justice framework, much attention has recently. | ẳâ Pathfinder INTERNATIONAL Integrating Youth-Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Public Health Facilities A Success Story and Lessons Learned in Tanzania November 2005 Acknowledgements Pathfinder International Tanzania wishes to acknowledge key players who were involved in planning and implementation of the African Youth Alliance AYA project. First we would to thank the government of Tanzania who was an AYA key collaborator and host especially the President s Office - Planning and Privatization and the Ministries of Health Mainland and Zanzibar. The following were implementing partners of AYA Pathfinder Reproductive and Child Health Section RCHS - Ministry of Health Mainland Safe Motherhood Program - Ministry of Health Zanzibar Municipal and district councils Ilala Temeke Kinondoni Arusha Kasulu Kibondo Tarime Karagwe Unguja and Pemba Island. Marie Stopes Tanzania The Family Planning Association of Tanzania UMATI University of Dar es Salaam Infectious Disease Centre IDC in Dar es Salaam Special thanks go to Dr. Chalamilla and his staff for making it possible to use the IDC clinic as a learning model for improving services in the public sector. Sincere thanks go to Mr. Silvery Buberwa director of Social Services and Human Resources President s Office - Planning and Privatization Dr Catherine Sanga head of RCHS Dr. Hanun -head of the Safe Motherhood Program Dr. Elizabeth Mapella adolescent reproductive health information education and communication officer RCHS Dr. Mtasiwa city medical officer Dar es Salaam Dr. Laizer municipal medical officer Arusha Dr. Frank Eetaama -Tarime Dr. Rutahinurwa -Karagwe Dr. Bangi -Kasulu Dr. Kajuna - Kibondo Dr. Kahama - Ilala Dr. Beatrice Byarugabe- Kinondoni and Dr. Louisa Masanyika-Temeke. Many thanks go to the AYA Pathfinder Tanzania team led by Naomy Achimpota and including Paul Luchemba Oswald Malunda and Michael Machaku for their work in collecting information and contributing technically to this document. AYA .