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Giáo án anh văn lớp 12 - QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
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Are you agree or disagree with the following statements: Agree 1 The type of writing that teachers get students to do will depend on their age and their interests. 2 3 Free Writing enables students to generate their own ideas. A model text should always be provided before students start to write. 4 Teachers should correct all the errors that students make in their writing. 5 Students should be provided a Checklist while they are looking over their writing. 6 It is easier for a student to find out errors in his partner’s writing than in his. 7 A teacher. | QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Are you agree or disagree with the following statements Agree Disagree 1 The type of writing that teachers get students to do will depend on their age and their interests. 2 Free Writing enables students to generate their own ideas. 3 A model text should always be provided before students start to write. 4 Teachers should correct all the errors that students make in their writing. 5 Students should be provided a Checklist while they are looking over their writing. 6 It is easier for a student to find out errors in his partner s writing than in his. 7 A teacher will not be successful in his writing class if his students ignore the errors and corrections. 8 With lower level classes it is possible for the teacher to redesign writing tasks in textbook so that they will become easy enough for the students to write. TEACHING WRITING Kind of writing Writing correction The role of the teacher Part one KIND OF WRITING The type of writing teachers get students to do will depend on their age interests and level. The writing tasks activities include writing postcards letters of various kinds filling in forms such as job applications writing narrative compositions reports play scripts advertisement or poems. There is no limit to the kinds of text teachers can ask students to write. Teachers decision will be based on how much language students know what their interests are and what teachers think will not only be useful for them but also motivate them as well. Below is the kind of writing teachers use for elementary to intermediate level Writing activities as controlled writing Writing activities as free writing 1. Gap-Filling 2. Re-ordering words 3. Substitution 4. Correcting facts 5. Dictation 1. Paragraph writing 2. Letter writing 3. Essay writing Kind of writing students do in form 12 How to develop a paragraph. Writing a .