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Adobe Flex 4 Training from the Source Volume 1 phần 9
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Các dữ liệu trong DragSource cũng có liên quan với các định dạng. Các kiểu dữ liệu của các định dạng chuỗi đơn giản. Hình ảnh hiển thị trong quá trình kéo. Hợp phần proxy kéo. Hình dưới đây cho bạn một hình ảnh của các thuật ngữ: Kéo nguồn (dữ liệu được kéo không nhìn) | Applying Styles 385 Q TIP It is also possible to set styles on individual instances in ActionScript using the setStyle method. For example the same style could have been applied with this code idOfControl.setStyle selectionColor 0xEA800C idOfControl.setStyle rollOverColor 0xAAAAAA NOTE When using setStyle colors are prefixed with 0x which is the ECMAScript standard prefix for hexadecimal numbers. When applying a style in an attribute or mx Style tag as you will soon see you can use a pound sign instead of 0x. When set through ActionScript numeric values even those that are hexadecimal do not have quotes around them. Although setStyle is useful for times when styles need to change at runtime use it sparingly. setStyle causes many of the visible portions of an application to refresh so it is a processorintensive operation. Understanding Style Inheritance As you look at the ASDoc for various components you can see that each style has a yes or no property for something called CSS inheritance. Ý cornerRadius Type Number Format Length css Inheritance no-tteme spark DropDownListBase The radius of the corners for this component. If dropShadowVisibte Type Boolean css Inheritance no Theme spark DropDownListBase Controls the visibility of the drop shadow for this component. it focusAlpha Type Number css Inheritance no Theme spark SkinnableDataContainer The alpha of the focus ring for this component. t focusColor Type uint Format Color css Inheritance yes Theme spark SkinnableDataContainer Color of focus ring when the component Is in focus. it rollOverColor Type uint Format Color css Inheritance yes- Ẽme spark List Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the compongpfa it selectioncolor Type uint Format Color css Inheritance yes fcine spark List The color of the background of a tenderer when the user selects it. it symbolcolor Type uint Format Color css Inheritance yes Theme spark List Color of any symbol of a component. For example in this figure you see that a few .