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Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Ontario Self-Employment Benefit (OSEB) 2013-2014 Business Plan Description and Instructions for OSEB Coordinators

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While overall demand for new construction equipment is likely to remain relatively modest in 2013, slightly more firms plan to lease equipment this year than purchase it, reflecting continued caution among hard-hit firms. Specifically, 64 percent of firms plan to purchase some kind of construction equipment this year while 77 percent of firms plan to lease new equipment in 2013. Among firms planning to purchase equipment, more than two-thirds report plans to purchase $250,000 or less worth of equipment. Similarly, 73 percent of firms plan to lease equipment worth $250,000 or less during 2013. . | Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities Ontario Self-Employment Benefit OSEB 2013-2014 Business Plan Description and Instructions for OSEB Coordinators Introduction The Ministry is inviting your organization to continue delivering the Ontario Self-Employment Benefit OSEB program under an OSEB agreement from April 1 2013 to March 31 2014. The objective of the OSEB program is to provide entrepreneurial skills development support to approved participants to help them develop and implement a business plan and become selfemployed. The OSEB program allows participants to concentrate on building a sustainable business by providing them with financial assistance while they receive business advice and support. A priority for 2013-14 will be giving OSEB Coordinators direct access to the ministry s Case Management System a module of the Employment Ontario Information System EOIS-CaMS . Access to EOIS-CaMS will enable Coordinators to enter participant follow-up information directly into the Ministry s system eliminating the current manual tracking process. EOIS-CaMS is a webbased application which has nominal technical requirements and is compatible with all internet browsers. Details regarding the system s roll-out to OSEB Coordinators in April 2013 including information on system access user set-up and training will be provided starting this fall. The OSEB Business Plan process is designed to help OSEB Coordinators plan and articulate how they will coordinate services within the Employment Ontario EO network and achieve program indicators and success outcomes within funds allocated by the Ministry in their 2013-14 OSEB agreement. The OSEB 2013-2014 Business Plan OSEB Coordinators must submit a Business Plan consisting of two templates for each OSEB agreement they have with the Ministry. If an OSEB Coordinator has more than one service delivery location the specific activities and budget for each location must be outlined separately within one Business Plan. The OSEB .