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Convert - Designing Websites to Increase Traffic and Conversion Part 2

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Website có thể được xây dựng từ các tệp tin HTML (website tĩnh) hoặc vận hành bằng các CMS chạy trên máy chủ (website động). | THE NEW APPROACH I 7 What do they want How can I attract them And how can I get them to do what the site needs them to do NOTE What are your web site s goals What is the value of each goal to your organization How many goals does the web site need to deliver in order to be a success This high-level vision of web design places it in the broader realm of marketing. Marketing is the discipline of defining markets and offerings that deliver what the markets need in order to achieve a result which is usually to make a profit . So a web designer should be a marketer who operates in the web medium. In addition to the functional tasks involved with creating a web site the design process must include techniques to target markets to reach out to them and to lead them from wherever they are to the point of taking action. For most web designers this requires a new set of skills. The new skills I will show you go beyond creating appealing graphic designs and beyond search engine optimization. You will learn how you can proactively structure your web site to reach more new markets and to reach deeper into those markets. You will discover a step-by-step process that continually builds your web site into a conversion machine The New Approach It should be becoming clear that to achieve its goals your web site needs to do only two things 1. It needs to get the right number of the right kind of people to visit it. 2. It then needs to get as many of those people as possible to take action. If a web site does not address the right needs in the right markets it will not get the visitors it needs to succeed. If it fails to appeal to its visitors and to lead them powerfully along the path to get what they want the traffic will not be converted into business success. 8 I CHAPTER 1 HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR WEB SITE S SUCCESS Success Traffic X Conversion If your web site sells peanuts the number of peanuts you sell is exactly the number of visitors that visit your site multiplied by the site s