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Growth Impairment and Nutritional Status in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease

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PSI/Cambodia’s programmatic approach included: developing and branding the DTK (product), setting the retail (price), ensur- ing the availability of the product through mobilizing the private sector distribution networks (place), and conducting commu- nication campaigns (promotion) – the four P’s of social marketing. An additional “P” was partnerships, which were critical to the project’s implementation. Primary target group was caregivers of children under five in rural areas of Pursat and Siem Reap, with secondary targets as public and pri- vate health providers and retailers | Original Article Iran J Pediatr Sep 2011 Vol 21 No 3 Pp 271-277 Downloaded from http ZZjournals.tums.ac.ir on Sunday December 09 2012 Growth Impairment and Nutritional Status in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease Betul Sozeri MD Sevgi Mir MD Orhan Deniz Kara MD and Nida Dincel MD Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Nephrology Turkey Received Apr 30 2010 Final Revision Oct 16 2010 Accepted Nov 03 2010 Abstract Objective Malnutrition is closely linked to chronic kidney disease CKD in adult patients with poor outcome. But data on pediatric patients is inadequate. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of growth failure and malnutrition in pediatric CKD patients and explore the relationship of these parameters to each other and to other clinical parameters. Methods This study included 42 patients and 29 healthy children matched for age and gender. Patients were classified firstly in age group and secondly in therapy modalities. Nutritional evaluations were performed according to the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative guidelines and we performed adjustments using values from children with the same chronological age as reference. Findings In pubertal group the mean height SDS was lower than in pre-pubertal period while it was higher than in early childhood P 0.4 and P 0.03 respectively . In all groups 45 of patients had malnutrition 20 patients on predialysis 22 patients with end stage renal disease 14 on hemodialysis and 8 on peritoneal dialysis . The mean weight SDS was lower in end stage renal disease groups P 0.001 . The height SDS was lower in end stage renal disease groups P 0.001 . Conclusion Growth failure and malnutrition remain a significant clinical problem as age and therapy modalities are dependent in children with CKD. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics Volume 21 Number 3 September 2011 Pages 271-277 Key Words Chronic Kidney Disease Renal Replacement Therapy Malnutrition Growth Introduction Chronic kidney disease .