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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 23

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'professional information technology-programming book part 23', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 5.7. Things You Can Do to Modify a Layer There are many other ways you can change a layer or the way it affects layers below it. 5.7.1. Use the Merge Visible command To create a flattened version of a layer I usually duplicate the image flatten it copy the flattened image to the Clipboard and paste that into the original version so that it becomes its own layer. That s one way to do it but it s really just an old habit from days gone by. Here s a much more efficient procedure 1. Highlight the top layer in the Layers palette. 2. While pressing Opt Alt choose Merge Visible from the Layers palette flyout menu. When the new layer appears it is a flattened version of the whole file. Just be darned I m not allowed to swear sure that you re holding down Opt Alt when you do this. Otherwise you ll flatten your entire image. C mon Adobe There s already another command that flattens images. The only thing that requiring the Opt Alt does is make it possible to mess up. But if you do mess up don t panic just press Cmd Ctrl-Z immediately to undo the foolish thing you just did. 5.7.2. Apply Blend Modes The Layers palette features 23 different Blend Modes Figure 5-5 . They re called Blend Modes because they cause the layer that s been assigned a Blend Mode to mix its colors with the immediately underlying layer in a specific way. Figure 5-5. The Layers palette Blend Mode menu. These are hard to describe but Table 5-3 shows how the gradient in the Normal mode blends with the image in the upper left corner when each other Blend Mode is applied. Since this gradient contains all of the primary colors you should get a good idea of what each mode does. However there s no substitute for good old trial and error. Besides the actual effect can vary considerably by dragging the Fill and Opacity sliders in the Blend Modes layer. Table 5-3. Blend Mode examples 5.7.3. Set the Opacity field slider This slider which is at top left of the Layers palette always starts at minimum opacity. As you .