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Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Thực thể của chúng tôi đã được chọn là một trong năm người chiến thắng trong Giai đoạn 1, nhưng đã không được trao giải thưởng là người chiến thắng do sự quan tâm của khó khăn của ngân sách và hướng dẫn thiết kế Chicago. Cơ chế của hệ thống sẽ có một vai trò quan trọng trong việc đạt được sự phát triển bền vững trong một môi trường xây dựng. | LOCAL COMMUNITY GENES Angelica Maeireizo Tokeshi Waseda University Japan The fact that Camisea was designed with a specific focus on protecting the area s unique biodiversity and ensuring respect for the indigenous communities living in the Camisea surrounding areas is not precisely accurate. Reading Patricia B. Caffrey s 2002 independent report one will notice that the Camisea Project will have negative irreversible impacts on the biodiversity of this area and on indigenous groups living in isolation regardless of the implementation of the strictest mitigation measures. In the midst of these views there was this opportunity for doing something to diminish the program execution s failures. As there are no settled populations inside the Machiguenga Communal Reserve and the rangers facilities must be located by the river I was about to meet the cultural space occupied by the ethno-linguistic communities organized in mostly in Machiguenga s native communities Timpia Kirigueti Mishaua and then it was Miaria a different native community called Yine . 3. Adapting Professor Goto s Tetra-Model Although by the time I was being introduced to the Machiguenga s and Yine s communities I had already heard about Professor Goto s work. Thus this is why I will try to adapt his model to this case study for the reason that my presence there was to gather information concerning only to the feasibility of the rangers facilities location and construction. GENES NATURAL Located in the Vilcabamba Range the Machiguenga Communal Reserve presents sui genesis characteristics various ecosystems and biological diversity. Considered one of the 25 hot spots for the natural conservation areas on the world. TRADITIONAL Inhabited the area for over 5 000 years in a matrilocal pattern of residence. Use the forest products within a mystic value and practice swidden agriculture. The Master Plan contemplates the conservation of the natural resources of the location. COMMUNITY Ecosystem based on symbiosis