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Handbook of sexual dysfunction - part 3
Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ
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Nhiều trường hợp báo cáo tóm tắt Có Lợi ích của tình dục với Kết hợp dược phẩm điều trị nhận thức hoặc hành vi cho ED (33-37). Đã có nhiều bài báo cũng giới thiệu sự kết hợp của phương pháp tiếp cận y tế và tâm lý cho điều trị ED (15,20,32,38,39). Thật không may, vào thời điểm này | Sợ 05 Table 3.1 Components of a Comprehensive Sexual Medical and Psychosocial History Biological Psychosocial Sexual Symptoms Current general health Current mood mental health The sexual difficulties in her own words Present context Medications substance Nature and duration of current Context when activity is precipitating maintaining abuse fatigue presence of nonsexual pain relationship. Societal values beliefs impacting the sexual problems attempted type of sexual stimulation the woman s feelings towards her partner safety and privacy Past context predisposing precipitating Past medical history Particularly for lifelong problems developmental history including relationships with caregivers siblings traumas and losses Past sexual experiences alone and partnered wanted coercive abusive Onset precipitating Medical psychiatric details at time of onset of sexual problems Psychosocial circumstances including relationship at time of onset of sexual problems Sexual details at onset of dysfunctions Full picture of her current Details regarding effects of Personality factors including control Rest of the sexual response sexual response medical condition on sexual activity e.g. cardiac compromise issues ability to express nonsexual emotions cycle including pain Role of the partner precipitating maintaining Partner s medical health Partner s mood and mental health partner s reaction to sexual problems Partner s sexual response cycle including pain Distress Level of distress regarding medical issues Level of distress regarding psychosocial issues Reaction to the sexual difficulties level of distress Basson Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 59 Analogue assays for free-T are currently unreliable but total T alone is insufficient owing to SHBG bound T being relatively unavailable to the tissues. Thus modifying T formulations designed for men is fraught with difficulties due to lack of reliable laboratory monitoring. If and when hormonal and pharmacological treatments .