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Dreamweaver MX e-Learning Toolkit phần 9

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Học trang web không ghi bất kỳ tập tin để các trang web Dreamweaver MX cho đến khi bạn nhấp chuột vào nút OK trong hộp thoại. Chờ cho đến khi bạn hoàn thành tất cả các tab (trang web, trang, phong cách, và định hướng) trước khi bạn click OK. Nếu bạn nhấp vào nút Cancel (không phân biệt ít hay nhiều thông tin bạn đã nhập) | Part IV Tracking Results CHAPTER 18 Using the Learning Site Microsoft Access Database CHAPTER 19 Sending Results to a Learning Management System Chapter 18 Using the Learning Site Microsoft Access Database IN THIS CHAPTER Installing a testing Web server on your computer Defining tracking information within Learning Site Creating a database to store information about students and activities Enabling CourseBuilder interactions to track student performance Using the Record Administrator to manage students and activities in Learning Site Testing and uploading your site Exploring the Microsoft Access database that Learning Site creates Learning Site ships with Learning Management System LMS functionality contained within Learning Site driven by a number of scripts and a pre-built Microsoft Access database all contained within Learning Site. This chapter walks you through the basic steps of setting up your Learning Site to include database and tracking the sections are in the sequence you must follow 1. Create and define a Web server for testing. 2. Create your Learning Site LMS. 3. Copy the Learning Site administration files into your site. 4. Define tracking for each CourseBuilder interaction in your course. 5. Upload your site to the Web server for testing. 6. Use the Record Administrator to set up and test your course. 7. Publish your course to make it live. To test your Learning Site LMS you need to use a Web server which runs the ASP scripts that drive processing for the Learning Site LMS. .