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GMAT Vocabulary List Episode 2 Part 3

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'gmat vocabulary list episode 2 part 3', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | ornate adj. elaborate lavish decorated The courthouse was framed by ornate friezes. orthodox adj. traditional accepted The gifted child s parents concluded that orthodox methods of education would not do their son any good so they decided to teach him at home. oscillate v. to move back and forth to have a wavering opinion The oscillating sprinkler system covered the entire lawn. The couple often oscillates between going out and staying home. ossify v. to turn to bone to harden Over time the plant matter has ossified. The tablet will ossify when left in the sun. ostensible adj. apparent The ostensible reason for choosing the girl was for her beauty. ostentatious adj. being showy Sure he d won the lottery but coming to work in a stretch limo seemed a bit ostentatious . ostracize v. to exclude The students tend to ostracize the children they dislike from their games. oust v. drive out eject The dictator was ousted in a coup detat. p adj. mocking cynical He has a wry sense of humor which sometimes hurts people s feelings. paean n. a song of praise or triumph A paean was written in honor of the victorious warrior. pagan adj. polytheistic Moses distraught over some of his people s continuing pagan ways smashed the stone tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. painstaking adj. thorough careful precise Helga s painstaking research paid off with a top grade on her essay. palatial adj. large and ornate like a palace The new palatial home contained two pools and an indoor track for jogging. palindrome n. a word or phrase which reads the same backwards and forwards Bob Dad and Madam are examples of palindromes. palliate v. to alleviate or ease pain but not cure to make appear less serious The medication will help palliate the pain. The lawyer attempted to palliate the offense to the jury. pallid adj. pale in color The visitor left the hospital room with a pallid face. pallor n. lack of facial color The more vivid the testimony grew the more the witness seemed to take on a .