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England’s fisheries in 1871, Congress created the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries (Hobart 1995). The first appointed Commissioner, Spencer Baird, initiated marine ecological studies as one of his first priorities. According to Baird, our understanding of fish “. would not be complete without a thorough knowledge of their associates in the sea, especially of such as prey upon them or constitute their food” He understood that the presence or absence of fish was related not only to removal by fishing, but also to the dynamics of physical and chemical oceanography. Despite this historical, fundamental understanding of fisheries as part of. | ECOSYSTEM-BASED FISHERY MANAGEMENT A Report to Congress by the Ecosystem Principles Advisory Panel As mandated by the Sustainable Fisheries Act amendments to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act 1996 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE ECOSYSTEM PRINCIPLES ADVISORY PANEL Chair David Fluharty. University of Washington North Pacific Fishery Management Council Pete Aparicio.Texas Shrimpers Association Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Christine Blackburn.Alaska Groundfish Data Bank George Boehlert.NMFS Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory Felicia Coleman.Florida State University Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Philip Conkling.The Island Institute Robert Costanza. University of Maryland Paul Dayton.University of California San Diego Robert Francis.University of Washington Doyle Hanan.California Department of Fish and Game Ken Hinman.National Coalition for Marine Conservation Edward Houde.University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science James Kitchell. University of Wisconsin Rich Langton.Maine Department of Marine Resources Jane Lubchenco.Oregon State University Marc Mangel.University of California Santa Cruz Russell Nelson.Florida Marine Fisheries Commission Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Fishery Management Councils Victoria O Connell.Alaska Department of Fish and Game Michael Orbach.Duke University Michael Sissenwine. NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center NMFS Staff Coordinator Ned Cyr. NMFS Office of Science Technology David Detlor.NMFS Office of Science Technology Aliẹon Morgan.Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments. iii Preface. v Executive Summary. 1 Section One Introduction. 9 Section Two Ecosystem Principles Goals and Policies.13 Section Three Current Application of the Ecosystem Principles Goals and Policies .23 Section Four Recommendations for Implementing the Ecosystem Principles Goals and Policies in U.S. Fisheries Conservation Management and Research.27 Section