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Mechanical Engineer´s Handbook P69

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CHAPTER 5 0 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES: AN INTRODUCTION Peter D. Blair Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 50.1 50.2 INTRODUCTON HYDROTHERMAL RESOURCES 50.2.1 Vapor-Dominated Resources 50.2.2 Liquid-Dominated Resources HOT DRY ROCK RESOURCES 1 8 5 3 50.4 GEOPRESSURED RESOURCES 1 8 5 5 1 8 5 4 50.5 1585 1 8 5 5 1 8 5 5 50.3 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION 1 8 5 7 50.5.1 Direct Steam Conversion 1587 50.5.2 Flashed Steam Conversion 1588 50.5.3 Binary Cycle Conversion 1588 50.5.4 Hybrid Fossil/Geothermal Plants 1 9 5 0 50.1 INTRODUCTON Geothermal energy is the internal heat of the Earth. For centuries, geothermal energy was apparent only. | CHAPTER 50 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES AN INTRODUCTION Peter D. Blair Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society Research Triangle Park North Carolina 50.1 INTRODUCTON 1583 50.4 GEOPRESSURED RESOURCES 1585 50.2 HYDROTHERMAL RESOURCES 1584 50.5 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY 50.2.1 Vapor-Dominated CONVERSION 1587 Resources 1585 50.5.1 Direct Steam Conversion 1587 50.2.2 Liquid-Dominated 50.5.2 Flashed Steam Conversion 1588 Resources 1585 50.5.3 Binary Cycle Conversion 50.5.4 Hybrid Fossil Geothermal 1588 50.3 HOT DRY ROCK RESOURCES 1585 Plants 1590 50.1 INTRODUCTON Geothermal energy is the internal heat of the Earth. For centuries geothermal energy was apparent only through anomalies in the Earth s crust that allow the heat from the Earth s molten core to venture close to the Earth s surface. Volcanoes geysers fumaroles and hot springs are the most visible surface manifestations of these anomalies. Geothermal energy has been used for centuries where it is available for aquaculture greenhousing industrial process heat and space heating. It was first used for electricity production in 1904 in Lardarello Italy. Geothermal resources are traditionally divided into three basic classes 1. Hydrothermal convection systems including both vapor-dominated and liquid-dominated systems 2. Hot igneous resources including hot dry rock and magma systems 3. Conduction-dominated resources including geopressured and radiogenic resources The three basic resource categories are distinguished by geologic characteristics and the manner in which heat is transferred to the Earth s surface see Table 50.1 . The following includes a discussion of the characteristics and location of these resource categories in the United States. Only the first of these resource types hydrothermal resources is commercially exploited today in the United States. In 1975 the U.S. Geological Survey completed a national assessment of geothermal resources in the United States and published the results in USGS .