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The complete guide to the toefl test part 57

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'the complete guide to the toefl test part 57', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Lesson 14 Completing Charts 367 6. In this lecture the professor describes two ways to look at the universe the Ptolemaic system and the Copernican system. Decide if the following are characteristics of the Ptolemaic system or the Copernican system. Pul a check mark in the proper box for each sentence. Ptolemaic System Copernican System This system is also known as the heliocentric system. Epicycles were used to help explain this system. This system became part of the medieval system of belief. This system was disproved by Galileo s discovery of the phases of Venus. This system provided a good picture of the solar system but not of the universe. According to this system music was generated by the movement of crystal spheres. 368 Section 2 Guide to Listening Notes Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you. Lesson 14 Completing Chans 369 7. The lecturer describes the ABC approach to viewing consumer attitudes. Decide if the following are more closely related to the A component the B component or the C component of the ABC approach. Put a check mark in the proper box for each sentence. A component B component C component A consumer visits an Internet site to get more information about tires. A man feels a bicycle will make his daughter happy. A customer buys groceries at the store. An investor studies the market for art before buying a painting. A woman orders a sandwich and a drink at a fast-food restaurant. 8. In this lecture the professor describes the Katz system of attitude functions. Decide which of the following characteristics is related to which function. Put a check mark in the proper box for each phrase. Value-expressive function Ego-defensive function May involve a product that protects a consumer from some threat May involve a product that consumers believe will make them more popular May involve a product that consumers believe will make people dislike them May involve a product that is harmful to the consumer who buys it