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New grammar practice part 18

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66c 1 mustn't 2 doesn't have to 3 mustn't 4 don't have to 5 don't have to 6 mustn't 7 mustn't 8 don't have to 9 mustn't 10 mustn't 67a doing; playing; travelling; riding; swimming; running; lying; flying; trying; getting 67b 1 running 2 doing 3 lying 4 playing 5 Flying . travelling 6 riding. swimming 7 trying 8 getting 68 1 making 2 getting up 3 working 4 travelling 5 writing 6 driving 7 being 8 sitting 9 playing 10 reading 11 going 12 packing 69 1 about going 2 to seeing 3 of working 4 about | Key 66c 1 mustn t 2 doesn t have to 3 mustn t 4 don t have to 5 don t have to 6 mustn t 7 mustn t 8 don t have to 9 mustn t 10 mustn t 67a doing playing travelling riding swimming running lying flying trying getting 67b 1 running 2 doing 3 lying 4 playing 5 Flying . travelling 6 riding. swimming 7 trying 8 getting 68 1 making 2 getting up 3 working 4 travelling 5 writing 6 driving 7 being 8 sitting 9 playing 10 reading 11 going 12 packing 69 1 about going 2 to seeing 3 of working 4 about . coming 5 After opening 6 by climbing 7 to working 8 in joining 9 of coming 10 on swimming 11 about . getting 12 in hearing 13 at listening 14 for cutting 15 without stopping 70 1 Swimming every day is a good way of keeping fit. 2 Learning a foreign language takes a long time. 3 Cleaning the machine more often will solve your problems. 4 Growing your own food is less expensive. 5 Giving up smoking will make you feel better. 6 Going by rail is cheaper than going by air. 7 Smoking is not allowed here. 8 Being in hospital is not very pleasant. 9 Windsurfing properly is very difficult. 10 Speaking a foreign language is more difficult than reading it. 11 Walking on the grass is forbidden. 12 Swimming on my back is one thing I can t do. 13 Being polite to someone you don t like is difficult. 71 1 Smoking 2 living 3 working 4 going out 5 writing 6 walking 7 going 8 studying 9 moving 10 making 11 eating 12 becoming 13 Looking after 14 seeing 15 getting up 16 helping 17 learning 18 having 19 saying 20 Watching 72 1 to go 2 to speak 3 to telephone 4 to get on 5 to find 6 to buy 7 to go out 8 to look after 9 to stay 10 to help 73 1 She goes to the beach every weekend to swim. 2 He moved to London to find work. 3 She s leaving home to go to university in Birmingham. 4 He s having a party to celebrate his thirtieth birthday. 5 She gets up at six every morning to do her training. 6 He s going out to post a card to his mother. 7 They are saving money to buy a car. 8 They are going to Egypt to .