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High-Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases- P13

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High-Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases- P13: Parallel databases are database systems that are implemented on parallel computing platforms. Therefore, high-performance query processing focuses on query processing, including database queries and transactions, that makes use of parallelism techniques applied to an underlying parallel computing platform in order to achieve high performance. | BIBLIOGRAPHY 531 Coulon C. Pacitti E. and Valduriez P. Consistency Management for Partial Replication in a High Performance Database Cluster Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems ICPADS . pp. 809-815. 2005. Dnllrnann D Hosckek W. laen-Martinez I. Segal B. - A Stockinger H. and Stockinger K. Models for Replica Synchronisation and Consistency in a Date Grid . Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance and Distributed Computiug HSDC pp. 67-75 August 2001. Honicky R.J. and Miller.E.L. A FastAlggrittonfogOnline glacemeiHandReoigaiiizatioii of Replicated Data Proceddin oflndemdiCioncilICrallel and DistributedProcessing Symposium IPDPS pp.57 2003. Huang C. Xu F. and Masgii e Date Oriented neplicslit g AlgoritlimnionConsis- tency Maintenance in DalaGtida Pmoeedingsof Internatiozal Cznferenceon Computational Science pp. 8n8 841 00C. Lamehamedi H Shentu Z. Szymonski B.K. and Dedman E. SimuZation of Dynamio Data Replication StrategaesinDate Grids aodrn.mgsofhOzrnsliodP1 Pnndlclrn0 Distributed Processb S.mpniinmllD.PSS p.lOOeOIG. Lei M. and Vrbsky S.V.gADaSa Replicitinn Strategy tedncrekkgDoOaAvoila.dhym nte Grids Proceedings ofshe Intirnatuma1 Cokk5r5ncermGriCCdmpoliog p fzGbM ioic GCA pp. 221-227 G006. Lin Y. Liu P. and WigL.ig piimal Plaonmentol Rgplicas in DaliGiiD Enckonmente with Locality Assuranke Pzoseagrr ss oflnternotinnklCocnerrince osParaUol and Disn tributed Systems ilCIAneOapp.PP fd-l Z0d6. Liu P. and Wu J. Optimnl Replica Placoment Skit5gySii lIi rao.h call nath1d 0 i terns Proceedings of Cbrnter Asmprnmg end O eGs.lCCGIUDZ.p Ylp42n 20CC Park S Kim I. Ko Y and Yoon W. BOynamic Dsta Grid Repiiontion Zlrategy 13 5 on Internet HieraW Proceedlnga oy Gnd wd ileldl5t0C0 Computtng CQ pp. 838-846 2003. Rahman R.M BarYeg K snO Alhajj R Repilca dHtoconr Data GadoA Multi-objective Appnach pryoeedingonfGru ond o octive Computm VCC pp. 645-656 2005. Ranganathan K. an. Dister. LT. Idunnifymg Dvonank1 .