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Phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter in one-loop approximation

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The equations of state (EoS) of asymmetric nuclear matter (ANM) starting from the effective potential in a one-loop approximation is investigated. The numerical computation showed that chiral symmetry is restored asymptotically at high nuclear density and liquid-gas phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter is first-order. | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE Mathematical and Physical Sci. 2014 Vol. 59 No. 7 pp. 52-57 This paper is available online at http stdb.hnue.edu.vn PHASE TRANSITION IN ASYMMETRIC NUCLEAR MATTER IN ONE-LOOP APPROXIMATION Le Viet Hoa1 Nguyen Tuan Anh2 and Le Duc Anh1 1 Faculty of Physics Hanoi National University of Education 2 Faculty of Energy Technology Electric Power University Abstract. The equations of state EoS of asymmetric nuclear matter ANM starting from the effective potential in a one-loop approximation is investigated. The numerical computation showed that chiral symmetry is restored asymptotically at high nuclear density and liquid-gas phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter is first-order. Keywords Asymmetric effective potential isospin first-order. 1. Introduction The recent investigation 1 2 3 shows that most of the ground state properties of the large number of nuclei over the entire range of the periodical table can be very well reproduced by relativistic mean field theory RMF . A number of theoretical articles have been published 4 5 based on simplified models of strongly interacting nucleons is of great interest for understanding nuclear matter under different conditions. In the case of asymmetric matter however few articles have been published since it is more complex 6 7 . There is an additional degree of freedom that needs to be taken into account the isospin. In this respect this article considers phase transition of asymmetric nuclear matter. 2. Content 2.1. The effective potential in one-loop approximation Let us begin with the asymmetry nuclear matter given by the Lagrangian density ˆ M ψ Gs ψψ ψ i 2 Gv ψγ µ ψ 2 Gr ψ⃗ τ γ µ ψ 2 ψγ 0 µψ. 2.1 2 2 2 Received March 20 2014. Accepted September 30 2014. Contact Le Viet Hoa e-mail address hoalv@hnue.edu.vn 52 Phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter in one-loop approximation where ψ is the field operator of the nucleon µ µp µn µp µn are the chemical potential of the proton and neutron .