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Lecture Database design, application development and administration - Chapter 2: Introduction to database development

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Chapter 2 - Introduction to database development. Chapter 1 provided a broad introduction to database usage in organizations and database technology. You learned about the characteristics of business databases, essential features of database managements systems (DBMSs), architectures for deploying databases, and organizational roles interacting with databases. This chapter continues your introduction to database management with a broad focus on database development. | Chapter 2 Introduction to Database Development Welcome to Chapter 2 - Introduction to database development: background for Part 3 and 4 chapters Objectives: - Descriptive chapter: no specific skills - Understand relationship of information systems development and db development - Describe goals of database development - Grasp the steps of the db development process - Explore CASE tools: functions typically provided Outline Context for database development Goals of database development Phases of database development CASE tools Context: - Information systems development - Graphical models Goals: - Broad objectives - General guidelines of desired results; not quantifiable Phases: - Inputs, outputs of each phase - Skill requirements CASE tools: - Classification of features - ER Assistant Information System Information system: - Accepts data from its environment, processes data, and produces output data for decision making - Interacts with environment - Database provides the long-term memory - Database is a key component but not the only component - Other components: inputs, outputs, processes, software, hardware, people - Developing info system more than db development Student Loan System: - Full case study in Chapter 13 - Environment: lenders, students, government agencies Traditional Life Cycle Figure 2.2 shows the phases of the traditional systems development life cycle. The particular phases of the life cycle are not standard. Different authors and organizations have proposed from 3 to 20 phases. The traditional life cycle is often known as the waterfall model or methodology because the result of each phase flows to the next phase. The traditional life-cycle is mostly a reference framework. For most systems, the boundary between phases is blurred and there is considerable backtracking between phases. But the traditional life-cycle is still useful because it describes the kind of activities and shows addition of detail until an operational system emerges. . | Chapter 2 Introduction to Database Development Welcome to Chapter 2 - Introduction to database development: background for Part 3 and 4 chapters Objectives: - Descriptive chapter: no specific skills - Understand relationship of information systems development and db development - Describe goals of database development - Grasp the steps of the db development process - Explore CASE tools: functions typically provided Outline Context for database development Goals of database development Phases of database development CASE tools Context: - Information systems development - Graphical models Goals: - Broad objectives - General guidelines of desired results; not quantifiable Phases: - Inputs, outputs of each phase - Skill requirements CASE tools: - Classification of features - ER Assistant Information System Information system: - Accepts data from its environment, processes data, and produces output data for decision making - Interacts with environment - Database provides the long-term .